Juhai International Logistics Service

It mainly undertakes the bulk cargo LCL, FCL and charter business in East China, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other southern regions


International Express Service

Reasonable cost, transparency and security


International land transportation

Handle all business before and after goods export


International LCL/FCL

Class guarantee and price advantage


international air transport

Professional and efficient, one-stop service


International railway

Design the optimal logistics plan according to the demand


Overseas warehousing

Warehousing logistics, goods collection, goods sorting, short distance transportation

Shenzhen Juhai International Logistics Technology Co., Ltd

Shenzhen Juhai International Logistics Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional freight forwarding company approved by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China. The company has a professional logistics warehouse and self operated container fleet, and has maintained a good cooperation relationship with customs, port area and shipping companies. It has developed into a professional international freight forwarding company integrating express, sea, air and land transportation. It mainly undertakes the sea transportation in East China, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other southern regionsUnder the overall strategy of the country to carry out the the Belt and Road Initiative, the bulk cargo LCL, full container and charter flights businesses by air transport have also joined the railway export business. Currently, they operate businesses from China to Europe, Central Asia and Tehran in the Middle East.
Learn more
  • Price transparency

    Transparent price can prevent you from falling into the freight forwarding trap of high freight

  • Exclusive customer service

    Through one-to-one communication with customers, we will provide them with specialized services.

  • professional services

    Air and sea transportation, mass customization, freight forwarding solutions

Visual data management

Let you know the trend of international logistics goods in real time, so that you can experience more professional international freight forwarding and international logistics services

Mobile SMS real-time tracking

Provide professional SMS service, covering multiple fields,
High arrival rate and accurate tracking of international logistics goods

Price inquiry of international marine cargo hold

Refuse false high price, international sea freight hold price is true
The truth is open, and customers can check online to identify the truth

Email timely feedback

The status and positioning information of international logistics goods can be clicked
Query, form email and send it regularly

Timely check the import declaration information

Information management system of professional customs clearance company,
Customers can view cargo information anytime, anywhere

International freight forwarding partners

Keep good cooperation relationship with customs, port area and shipping companies

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