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Logisticians must read | The white paper "Development of China's Transportation" shows achievements for the first time, with N first
Release time:2022-11-15   Browse:2135 Return

At the beginning of the founding of New China, transportation was very backward. The total railway mileage in China is only 21800 kilometers, half of which are paralyzed. Only 80800 kilometers of roads can be opened to traffic, with 51000 civilian vehicles. The inland waterway is in a natural state. There are only 12 civil aviation routes. There are few postal service outlets. The main means of transport are animal drawn vehicles and wooden sailboats.

After the founding of New China, the Chinese government made it clear that first of all, we should create some basic conditions to restore transportation. After three years of national economic recovery, the damaged transportation facilities and equipment have been repaired, and water, land and air transportation have been restored. Since 1953, transportation construction has been carried out in a planned way. During the first and second five-year plans and the period of national economic adjustment (1953-1965), the state invested more in transportation, renovated and built a number of railways, highways, ports and wharves, and civil airports, improved the coverage of transportation infrastructure in the west and remote areas, dredged major waterways, opened new international and domestic waterways and air routes, expanded postal networks, and increased the number of transportation equipment. During the "Cultural Revolution" (1966-1976), the development of transportation was once seriously disrupted, but the scale of facilities and equipment and transportation routes were still increasing, especially in view of the increasingly serious situation of ship pressure, port pressure and cargo pressure in major coastal ports, the construction of port infrastructure was accelerated. During this period, pipeline transportation has also been developed.

In 1978, reform and opening up opened a new chapter in China's economic and social development, and transportation entered a stage of rapid development. The Chinese government has given priority to the development of transportation, increased policy support, made pioneering exploration in opening up the transportation market and establishing a socialized financing mechanism, and actively reversed the passive situation that transportation does not adapt to economic and social development.

The railway implements the economic contract responsibility system; Three policies have been introduced to support the development of highways, including raising the standard of road maintenance fee collection, levying vehicle purchase surcharges, and "building roads with loans and repaying loans with fees"; The bidding system has been implemented for highway and waterway engineering construction projects; The port took the lead in opening to the outside world, and the shipping industry was the first to realize "going global"; Civil aviation has embarked on the path of enterprise development, and the air transport market has begun to take shape; We will reform the postal management system, establish a China Express Service Company, and resume postal savings business; Increase investment in transportation construction and attract social capital to participate in infrastructure construction. In 1988, Shanghai Jiaxing Expressway was opened to traffic, achieving a breakthrough of zero expressway in Chinese Mainland.

In 1992, China established the reform goal of establishing a socialist market economic system. The reform and opening up of transportation has been intensified, and breakthroughs have been made in the development of various transportation modes. The railway construction war was carried out. Since 1997, the railway has carried out six major speed increases in a row. The "three main and one support" plan of highway main skeleton, waterway main channel, port station main hub and support guarantee system is implemented for highway and waterway transportation, and the goal and task of accelerating the construction pace are formulated. Civil aviation airport construction fee, infrastructure construction fund, railway construction fund and inland waterway shipping construction fund have been set up successively.

In response to the financial crisis in Southeast Asia, China has implemented an active fiscal policy. Highway construction investment has entered the "fast lane", and highway construction has risen on a large scale. We will implement the strategy of developing the western region, and comprehensively strengthen the construction of railways, highways, airports, and natural gas pipelines in the western region. Put forward the development goal of "building good rural roads, serving urbanization, and letting farmer brothers walk on oil roads and cement roads", setting off a new upsurge in rural road construction. Deepen the reform of port management system and accelerate port construction. The separation of posts and telecommunications and the separation of government and enterprises will be implemented, and the postal industry will develop towards the modern postal industry of "three in one" of information flow, capital flow and logistics. A series of plans, such as Medium and Long term Railway Network Planning and National Expressway Network Planning, have been issued successively. We will vigorously improve the basic public services of transportation, and comprehensively strengthen the construction of urban and rural passenger transport, urban public transport, and emergency rescue for transportation safety. In 2008, the Ministry of Transport was established, and substantial steps were taken to reform the system of major transport sectors. In the same year, the Beijing Tianjin inter city railway was opened to traffic, and China started the "high-speed railway era".

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, transportation has entered a new stage of accelerating the construction of a modern comprehensive transportation system. In 2013, the railway realized the separation of government and enterprise, and the system reform of major transportation departments was basically implemented. We will comprehensively deepen the reform of transportation, build government departments under the rule of law, accelerate the construction of "four transportation", namely, comprehensive transportation, smart transportation, green transportation and safe transportation, and formulate development plans around three national strategies, namely, the construction of the "the Belt and Road", the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Accelerate the networking of comprehensive transportation infrastructure and promote the effective connection of multiple transportation modes. Promote the development of modern logistics industry and improve the level of comprehensive transportation service guarantee. We will strengthen the supply and management of basic public services in transportation, and support the development of transportation infrastructure, urban and rural passenger transport, and urban public transport in contiguous poverty-stricken areas. We will promote the coordinated development of regional transportation in the "four plates" of the East, Central, West and Northeast, accelerate the development of high-speed rail in the western region, and significantly improve the transportation conditions in the central and western regions. In 2013, the Motuo Highway in Tibet was completed and opened to traffic, and China has truly opened roads to all counties.

Over the past 60 years, China's transportation has generally experienced a struggle from "bottleneck constraints" to "initial relief", and then to "basically adapt" to the needs of economic and social development. The gap between China and the world's first-class level has narrowed rapidly, and some areas have surpassed. A modern comprehensive transportation system is now facing the world.

After years of reform and development, a comprehensive transportation network with multiple nodes and full coverage has been initially formed, the "five vertical and five horizontal" comprehensive transportation channels have been basically connected, a large number of comprehensive passenger transport and freight hub stations (logistics parks) have been put into operation, the development of transportation equipment has been continuously upgraded, the level of transportation services has been significantly improved, major breakthroughs have been achieved in scientific and technological innovation and application, and the transportation market system, management system and legal system have been continuously improved.

1. Infrastructure network

A multi-level railway network has basically taken shape.

By the end of 2015, the total operating mileage of national railways had reached 121000 km, ranking the second in the world; The high-speed railway is 19,000 kilometers, ranking first in the world. The high-speed passenger transport network with high-speed railway as the skeleton and intercity railway as the supplement has been preliminarily completed. The double track rate and electrification rate of national railways reached 53.5% and 61.8% respectively. A large capacity channel across the east and west, and across the north and south has been gradually formed, and the logistics facilities have been improved synchronously, gradually realizing the direct, fast and heavy transportation of goods.

A wide road network has been established.

By the end of 2015, the total mileage of highways in China had reached 4.5773 million kilometers. The expressway mileage reached 123500 kilometers, ranking first in the world. The national and provincial trunk highway network has been continuously improved, connecting administrative regions at county level and above. The mileage of rural roads reached 3.9806 million kilometers, reaching 99.9% of the townships and 99.8% of the villages. The technical structure of the road network has been continuously optimized, and the mileage of classified highways accounts for 88.4% of the total mileage of highways.

A water transport network connecting trunk and branch will be initially formed.

By the end of 2015, ports across the country had 31300 productive berths, including 2221 berths of 10000 tons and above, and 1173 specialized berths for coal, crude oil, metal ores, containers, etc. The level of large-scale, deep-water, specialized and automated ports has been further improved. The navigation mileage of inland waterways has reached 127000 kilometers, with 52.2% of the classified waterways. The mileage of high-grade waterways has reached the standard of 13600 kilometers. The navigation conditions of the Yangtze River, Xijiang River, Beijing Hangzhou Canal and other waterways have been continuously improved. An inland waterway system with "two horizontal, one vertical, two networks and eighteen lines" as the main body has been initially built.

The civil airport system has basically taken shape.

By the end of 2015, there were 210 civil aviation transport airports in China, initially forming a pattern of cooperation between international hub airports such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, provincial capital cities and regional hub airports in key cities as the backbone, and other trunk and branch airports. The construction of air traffic control facilities has been continuously strengthened. In 2015, 8.566 million aircraft took off and landed. The development of general airports was accelerated. The construction of airport rail transit and airport fast track has been accelerated, and the airport is more closely connected with other transportation modes.

The establishment of township offices and postal service in villages and towns will be realized on the whole.

By the end of 2015, the total number of postal routes in China had reached 25000, the total length of postal routes (one-way) had reached 6.376 million kilometers, the total number of postal universal service business places had reached 54000, and the total number of village postal stations had reached 210000. Express service outlets reached 183000, and the total length of the network (one-way) reached 23.705 million kilometers.

The backbone network of oil and gas pipelines has taken shape.

By the end of 2015, the total mileage of onshore oil and gas pipelines in China had reached 112000 km, initially forming three major backbone networks of crude oil, product oil and natural gas covering 31 provinces (districts and cities) in China, as well as the oil and gas transmission network of "oil from the west to the east, oil from the north to the south, gas from the west to the east, gas from the north to the south, and sea gas landing".

2. Transportation service capacity

The transportation volume ranks first in the world.

In 2015, the whole society completed 19.43 billion passenger traffic and 3004.7 billion passenger kilometers; The freight volume reached 41 billion tons and the freight turnover volume reached 173690.6 billion ton kilometers. The railway passenger turnover and freight volume rank first in the world, the freight turnover ranks second in the world, the highway passenger and freight transport volume and turnover, waterway freight transport volume and turnover rank first in the world, and the total civil aviation transport turnover, passenger turnover, cargo and mail turnover rank second in the world. The cargo throughput and container throughput of ports in China rank first in the world. The postal industry has served more than 70 billion users annually, and the annual business volume of express delivery ranks first in the world. The single day processing peak value of large-scale online shopping promotion "Double 11" activities exceeds 160 million pieces. The pipeline freight volume reached 710 million tons, and the turnover volume reached 413.88 billion ton kilometers.

The quality of transportation service has been comprehensively improved.

Advanced transport organization modes such as multimodal transport, drop and hook transport and professional logistics such as cold chain have developed rapidly. Standardized transport units such as containers and vans have accelerated their promotion. Informatization and intensification of urban and rural logistics distribution have been significantly improved, improving the efficiency of social logistics operations. The safety level of traffic and transportation has been greatly improved. The overall safety level of railway passenger transport ranks among the world's top. The number of deaths caused by road traffic accidents per 10000 vehicles in 2015 decreased by 72.4% compared with 2005. The number of accidents above the port throughput level of one million tons of transport ships across the country decreased by 5% on average every year. The 10-year rolling value of the rate of major accidents per million hours in civil aviation transport is 0.018 (the world average is 0.24). Great efforts were made to improve the equalization of basic public services for passenger transport. The strategy of "public transport priority" was steadily promoted. The national bus only lanes reached 8569 kilometers, and the length of bus rapid transit (BRT) lines reached 3081 kilometers. New modes of customized public transport, night bus and other special public transport service products were constantly enriched, and new forms of business such as online taxi were developing rapidly.

The accessibility of transport services has been significantly enhanced.

High speed railway covers 65% of cities with a population of more than one million. There are 181000 road passenger lines. More than 45000 urban bus (electric) lines have been operated nationwide, and 105 urban rail transit lines have been operated, with a total length of 3195 kilometers. International waterway transport routes and container liner routes connect with more than 1000 ports in more than 100 countries and regions. There are 3326 regular flights of civil aviation, with the route mileage exceeding 7.866 million kilometers (calculated by repeated distance), reaching 204 cities in China, 137 cities in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and 55 countries (regions). The coverage of township express service outlets nationwide reached 70%.

The technical level of transportation tools has been constantly improved.

By the end of 2015, diesel and electric locomotive traction has been achieved for all main railway lines, and the types and structures of passenger and freight transport vehicles have been upgraded. The number of civil vehicles has reached 172.28 million, the total number of highway passenger and freight transport vehicles has reached 14.73 million, the average tonnage of freight vehicles has increased from 6.3 tons to 7.5 tons, and the proportion of special purpose trucks (including drop and hitch transport vehicles) has increased from 5.1% to 27.2%. The degree of high-grade and comfortable operation of passenger cars and large-scale and specialized freight vehicles has continued to increase. The number of water transport ships reached 166000, the total capacity of the marine fleet reached 160 million tons, the average tonnage of inland cargo ships exceeded 800 tons, the standardization rate of ship types in the navigable waters of high-grade channels reached 50%, and the trend of large-scale, specialized and standardized ships was obvious. Civil aviation has 2650 registered transport aircraft, and general aviation enterprises have 1904 registered aircraft. The postal industry has 244000 vehicles of all kinds and 71 domestic special cargo planes for express delivery.

An efficient safety supervision and maritime emergency rescue system was initially established.

The national inter ministerial joint meeting system for maritime search and rescue and emergency response to major oil spills was established and improved. The maritime search, rescue and salvage force continued to increase, and the search and rescue volunteer team continued to expand. A three-dimensional and efficient maritime traffic safety supervision and maritime emergency support system with extensive coverage, rapid response has been initially established.

3. Scientific and technological innovation and application

Infrastructure construction technology is leading in the world.

The technologies of high-speed railway, alpine railway, plateau railway and heavy haul railway have entered the world's advanced ranks, and high-speed railway has become a new business card of "Made in China" and "Going Global". Railway and highway construction technologies with special geology such as plateau permafrost, expansive soil and desert have overcome world-class problems, and Qinghai Tibet Highway and Qinghai Tibet Railway have been completed and put into operation successively. A number of world-class super large bridges and tunnels have been built, and the construction technology of super large bridges and tunnels has reached the world's advanced level. The key technologies of offshore deep-water port construction, the regulation technology of giant estuarine channel, the regulation technology of the channel system in the long river section, and the construction technology of large airport projects are world leading, and a series of major projects such as the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, the Yangshan Port Container Terminal, and the Yangtze River Estuary deep-water channel regulation have been implemented.

Equipment manufacturing technology has made rapid progress.

A number of high-performance railway equipment technologies with independent intellectual property rights, represented by high-speed trains and high-power locomotives, have reached the world's advanced level, and some have reached the world's leading level. Industrialization of new energy road transport equipment has been preliminarily realized. China has become one of the few countries in the world that can independently develop large aircraft, with its independently developed regional airliners, general-purpose aircraft and helicopters having been delivered for use and C919 large passenger aircraft coming off the assembly line. The manufacturing technology of large-scale specialized terminal handling equipment, marine machinery special ships, and complete container equipment is leading the world, and the 300 meter saturation diving has made innovative breakthroughs. Postal optical character recognition (OCR), video complement, code address verification and other sorting technologies are leading in the world.

Informational and intelligent technologies are widely used.

Big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, mobile Internet and other information communication technologies are widely used in the field of transportation, and the business model of combining online and offline is booming. The railway has built a passenger networking ticketing system, realizing the informatization of transportation production dispatching and command. Expressway Electronic Toll Collection System (ETC) has basically achieved nationwide networking. Port Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Vessel Traffic Management System (VTS) and Automatic Identification System (AIS) are widely used in water transport management, and the Yangtze River trunk line electronic navigation has been developed

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Differences between freight and express services

Differences between freight and express services

In our daily life, we always hear about the comparison between freight and express delivery, "How slow is freight? Look at the express delivery. It will be delivered today and arrive tomorrow. How fast is it?". In fact, in essence, freight and express delivery are quite different in many places. It is not simple to summarize them with only one word "fast", let alone measure the difference between them. From the operation of freight and express delivery to the requirements of their respective service groups, there are great differences, and their demands are completely different. There are obvious differences between freight enterprises and express delivery enterprises.Time differenceTime difference can be divided into internal and external. Internally, it mainly refers to the loading and unloading time, network path connection time, in warehouse transit time, etc. set by the enterprise; externally, it mainly refers to the problems that affect the time difference between the departure and delivery, such as the vehicle itself or the accident of force majeure, road closure, etc; The main time differences are as follows:1. Time connection of internal transfer of each line: the transfer center of freight enterprises operates along trunk lines and branch lines, and the operation time of branch lines is fully connected with that of trunk lines. This is an extremely strict connection time. Whether each main network line can be delivered on time, and each branch line goods can catch up with the main network in time for departure. This time point often requires both planning and feasibility, and strict control, The time limit shall be consistent.2. Punctuality of operation time of the internal transfer center: whether each arriving vehicle can complete one unloading and one loading within the specified time, the punctuality of loading and unloading and the punctuality of departure all test the operation ability of the internal transfer center. From 9.6 meters to 12.5 meters and then to 16.5 meters, the operation time of each vehicle has standard requirements and is recorded for assessment.3. Punctuality of trunk transport capacity: the punctuality rate of trunk transport vehicles in transit directly affects the quality of delivered products, and also directly tests the ability to operate in the next link. Domestic vehicles and imported vehicles, high-speed and national roads, to a certain extent, affect the efficiency in transit. Therefore, the punctuality of trunk transport capacity is also the main factor affecting whether products can be delivered on time.The above three points of freight and express delivery should be exchanged and transshipped in many cases. In the internal link, each company basically has its own strategy, which should be said to have its own advantages, but the only purpose is to transfer the goods to the next destination faster! Then the following three points are slightly different:4. Tools for distribution; The express enterprises are provided with point-to-point delivery by trucks or IVECO. Most of the point-to-point delivery is conducted by electric vehicles. The speed is fast and the urban area is flexible. The delivery of small goods is timely and accurate, and there is no restriction on the road.5. Traffic conditions on the way of distribution: the transportation enterprises' vehicles are most afraid of traffic jam on the way of distribution. The traffic conditions on the road determine the time of the transportation enterprises in distribution. The morning and evening rush hour in many cities is a nightmare for the transportation enterprises; During the delivery of express company vehicles, few trucks or IVECO basically avoided traffic jams or semi evasions when arriving at the point. At the same time, on the way from the point to the door and then to the building, traffic jams will not affect the delivery efficiency, because their delivery tools in this link are superior. In many cases, terminal services can make up for the mistakes of the previous section.6. Optimization of delivery route: When delivering, the freight enterprise basically arranges the order the night before yesterday (electronic order arrangement, manual correction), so as to complete the delivery task or the optimal route. However, the service scope of each vehicle is limited and the efficiency is not high; The express delivery enterprise is a vehicle that comes to the ground and centralizes the electric vehicles. It finishes the landing assignment task by one point. Each courier has a fixed service area. After the assignment is completed, the delivery can start, with relatively high efficiency.Service group differencesThe service groups and objects of freight transportation and express delivery are very different. The freight service groups are mainly manual workshops, small and medium-sized enterprises, and large enterprises. The requirements are relatively strict, and there are different specifications for each link of goods; Express enterprises mostly focus on small pieces of goods from individuals or enterprises. Customers are less strict about requirements, but they only require fast, punctual and good prices.1. Individual owners: the goods delivered by freight enterprises to individuals are mainly about 50kg, with few small pieces of goods; On the contrary, express enterprises are mainly individual owners, especially small parcels after the rise of e-commerce, letters and small commodities.2. Small and medium-sized enterprises: the main customer group of freight enterprises, the main body of multiple tickets and multiple pieces, some of which have a fixed settlement cycle. At the same time, this part will also choose express delivery when there are special transportation requirements, such as samples.3. Medium and large enterprises: large customer groups of freight enterprises. Most of these large enterprises are contract customers and settlement customers of freight enterprises. They have full-time service personnel and fixed service resources. Large ticket, large package, multiple ticket, multiple package are the main body. Most of the goods of these enterprises are distributed through freight enterprises. The express industry mainly focuses on special transportation, excluding samples, For example, some items requiring faster time will be delivered by express companies.4. Enterprises in special industries (such as pharmacies, hospitals, bookstores, e-commerce enterprises, supermarket enterprises): these industries are basically half of the express industry and freight enterprises, such as medicine, which is a highly professional industry, and they are basically the transportation of freight enterprises dominated by pharmaceutical logistics, such as Sinopharm, Chinese, Kyushu, etc. At the same time, express is the main body in the drug transportation of e-commerce, At present, express delivery is mainly used in 11 domestic home appliance drugstores.Service demand differenceDue to the differences of service groups, their service needs are very different. These service demands are the real embodiment of value. Freight transport and express delivery show their respective abilities in this practical operation, striving to achieve the best customer satisfaction, and formulating targeted service specifications and operating rules according to different service demands.1. General requirements: most of the requirements for express delivery are ordinary, and the basic requirements include door-to-door delivery, signature, feedback of receiving information, etc. This is basically consistent with the less than three pieces of small bulk customers in freight enterprises.2. Some requirements: Many customers of less than truckload logistics enterprises have some requirements. In addition to the normal unloading, moving to the door, and then arriving at the yard and putting it in the standard area, we will increase the return of signed originals, and provide real-time feedback of service information. This is also reflected in some aspects of speed, but the specific requirements are not as strict as freight.3. Normative requirements: some enterprise customers of LCL logistics have very standardized receiving requirements, such as entering the site for verification, installing fire shields, unloading to pallets, placing the code in the specified area, signing and signing for receipt, returning the electronic scanned copy of the signed bill on the same day, and returning the original at the specified time. However, some express customers have little demand for this.4. Customization requirements: many less than truckload customers have some customization requirements in terms of signing in, such as delivering goods within the specified time, the delivery requirements are higher than the specification requirements, and the customized professional service personnel are responsible for the feedback from the whole service node.5. Professional requirements: some customers of freight enterprises require more professional than customization when signing in. They require barcode specifications, unpacking inspection, stacking shelves one by one, stacking goods in different areas by batch and type, and returning within the specified time when signing in, and real-time feedback of sign in information when signing in.Efficiency differenceThe efficiency difference between freight and express delivery is not only reflected in the efficiency of picking up goods, transferring, loading and unloading, but also includes the following efficiency:1. Difference in the total number of delivery tickets: The difference in the number of delivery tickets of a single vehicle is very large. The number of single vehicle delivery tickets of logistics enterprises is about 11, but the average number of single vehicle (electric vehicle) of express delivery is 70. What's the concept! The differences in the number of delivery tickets are thoroughly reflected.2. Difference in the number of delivery notes: If there is such a large difference in the number of delivery notes, the difference in the number of delivery notes will be even greater. The average number of delivery notes is 11, which may be more than 100, or at least dozens. However, if the daily average number of tickets for express delivery is 70, it may be 70-80 goods, and at most 80 goods, which is a big difference in delivery.3. The waiting time difference of the next receiver: different customer needs have their own differences in the waiting time of the receiver in the delivery process. When signing for the goods, the freight customers basically complete the signing for the goods within a fixed working time, and have a full-time person in charge to sign for the goods. However, the delivery customers are basically real-time receiving, and there is no waiting time, let alone the need for a full-time person to sign for the goods to be delivered to the door, As long as the goods are received, this is also a big difference compared with freight.Number of service staff and management differencesFreight and express are labor-intensive industries. They are all operated by people 24 hours a day. They are both industries with large demand and strong liquidity. It can be said that there is a shortage of people every year, and the labor cost is also an industry that is rising rapidly at present.1. Differences in number of personnel and management: In the delivery process of express delivery, almost everyone has an electric vehicle, so there are more employees engaged in express delivery all over the country. However, due to the particularity of the express industry, many service outlets adopt the franchise mode, so there is a big difference in the management of terminal delivery personnel of express delivery, except for all direct sales modes of Shunfeng, Other models are basically self managed at the delivery outlets.In many express companies, the dispatcher is not involved in the management, and the franchise outlets are responsible for it. However, the main body of the freight enterprises is directly operated and accounts for the main body. At present, except for the franchise of Anneng and Card Bank, the other models in the industry are direct operated, so there are great differences in the number and management.2. Differences in service management and control: because each industry has different representatives, express delivery is all franchisees in different regions except for Shunfeng direct sales, and some are also taking back to become direct sales. The same is true for freight transportation. Except for the current Anneng and card stores, the service outlets of other freight enterprises are all direct sales stores, so there are great differences in their service management and control capabilities and service standards, Their respective kpi assessments are also completely different. in terms of emergency service handling, there are differences in customer satisfaction and customer extension services, and their management and control capabilities are completely different, so there are greater differences in response.3. Differences of service outlets: among freight enterprises, Deppon is the only one with more than 4000 service outlets, and the others are less than 1500. Therefore, there are blind spots and weaknesses in the coverage of service. However, the express industry has already completed the freight transportation in the service outlets, and has surpassed the freight transportation in terms of service coverage and service docking capability (regardless of direct marketing and franchise mode), To some extent, the difference is thanks to the emergence of e-commerce and the strong demand of the market.

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